Monday, January 5, 2009

Long Night..

Ah! Last night was really hard and long. Logan refuses to go to sleep in his crib at night, he is use to nursing himself to sleep and this weekend i was trying to wean him off. (Not soo easy) so last night we put him in his crib and let him cry himself to sleep, it took 17 min and it was soooo hard :( i hate that he makes it so hard on himself but i know that i have to get him to fall asleep on his own. Now today i woke up sick thanks to everyone at my work lol.. Anyways i hope everyone has a better day than mine!! xoxo


Unknown said...

Im not looking forward to this with Elijah. If I put him in his crib he just crys and crys, he doesn't fall asleep. I need to work on getting Elijah to drink milk, he drinks water just fine, but so far he isn't crazy about milk.